
Free AutoCAD clone ‘DraftSight’ hits Linux Beta

A beta release of professional 2D CAD application ‘DraftSight’ is now available for Linux users to download.

The application, of which we first brought you news was Linux bound in September of last year. allows users to create, edit and view .dwg files as produced by industry-leading software ‘AutoCAD‘.

DraftSight for Linux


Download a pre-packaged .deb file for Ubuntu 9.10+ at the following link:

64bit Ubuntu users note: The DraftSight beta .deb provided is 32bit. To get DraftSight to run in Ubuntu 64bit  will need to install the following missing library:

After this, install the .deb via a Terminal using the ‘force architecture’ command:
  • sudo dpkg --force-architecture –i DraftSight.deb

Thanks to Manuti and  Zdenek

Related posts:
  1. Lego CAD app ‘Konstruktor’ hits beta
  2. Bricscad comes to Linux: CAD comes of age
  3. Free AutoCAD clone DraftSight coming to Linux


Indicator-Network is looking good in Natty

It’s been a while since I last played around with alternative Ubuntu connection manager ‘Indicator-Network’ – but by jove it’s come a long way since!

Originally aimed at being the default network manager for Ubuntu Netbook Edition, the alternative connection manager uses the lightweight Connection Manager (ConnMan) daemon underneath a visually slick Indicator and settings front-end, both designed to make managing your mobile, wired and wireless networks a breeze.

Indicator-Network for Natty, whilst not the default connection manager, has received some spit and polish to its appearance – changes that help bring it closer to fulfilling the originally envisioned specification.


The refreshed Indicator-Network pictured above will be available to install in Ubuntu 11.04. Before deciding to give it a try note that installation of it will remove the ‘default’ network management applet from Ubuntu. And as Indicator-Network is as ‘alpha’ as the rest of the Natty alpha this is worth bearing in mind.
  • sudo apt-get install indicator-network

Related posts:
  1. Indicator Datetime nabs some natty new choices
  2. Indicator-weather update puts temperature on panel
  3. Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal Alpha 1 released


OMG! Ubuntu! Chrome web app

Everyone* loves a glorified bookmark sat on their Chrome/ium new tab page and what better bookmark to have than one for OMG! Ubuntu!?


The web app can be downloaded from the official Chrome webstore @ chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/pmoodaljflkhbojjaiibgnlindbhebme.

*bar those who don’t, natch ;)



New Gwibber User Guide makes mastering social networking in Ubuntu easy

Gwibber is Ubuntu’s default social networking client and boasts a powerful set of features for tweeting, denting and micro-blogging your life -  but are you aware of everything that it can do?

Step forward the irrepressibly awesome Vancouver LoCo team have put together a user-friendly and easily ‘accessible user guide’ on Gwibber and its features.

Amongst various topics in the guide you can learn…
  • What Gwibber is and what it can do
  • Using the Gwibber interface to reply, update and like posts
  • Add accounts for Twitter, Facebook, Buzz, more
  • Customize Gwibber’s interface
  • Filtering your user stream

Why the need for a guide?

Using Ubuntu is like opening the cupboard door to Narnia: the breadth and possibilities available to you are seemingly endless. Sometimes this choice can be intimidating. Part of getting orientated in this new landscape comes from being ‘informed’ – and, lets be honest, dry, technical ‘help’ manuals just don’t cut it.

The Vancouver LoCo decided to address this by creating fun, engaging and easily-accessible guides that anyone will find useful to read.

First on their list was Gwibber.

"We think social networking should be an enjoyable part of your life, not a micro­management nightmare."

Continuing: "…back in the autumn of 2010, we set out to create the first guide to Gwibber on Ubuntu. After many months of effort, I am happy to announce that our first version of "Master Social Networking with Gwibber" is complete and ready for your enjoyment."


The guide is available for download at the following link. Be sure to share it with those you feel would benefit from it.



Some subtle icon changes in Natty

A Humanity Icon theme update in Natty yesterday brought with it a few subtle – and one not-so-subtle – icon changes

The most notable change that landed with the update isn’t actually intentional. The black paper displayed in the trash icon when ready to empty is not the result of Canonical inverting their ink and paper but rather down to a pesky bug (LP #702423; thanks Dan).

trash faux-pas
This bug, along with intended ‘action’ icon tweaks, can be seen in the evolution toolbar too: -

Evolution action icons have had a refresh

Various parts of Ubuntu One have been dipped in their new styling: -

The new Ubuntu One icon in the Unity launcher

One of the new UbuntuOne service icons on show in the Control Panel

You’ll never get your terminals muddled up thanks to colouring differences for ‘root terminal’ and regular bog standard ‘terminal’

Root Vs root: it's all about colour

The ‘file manager’ icon has been updated to look, well, rather like an actual ‘file manager’. Not sold on it personally but there are only so many ways you can symbolise file management.

Nautilus gets formal

Talking of File Managers, Nautilus’ navigation icons look all the better thanks to finer lines:

Nautilus navigation icons have been on a diet


Thunderbird getting some Unity love

Thunderbird fans should perk up as Mike Conley from Mozilla Messaging, who’s hard at work on bringing Ubuntu Messaging Menu integration to the desktop e-mail application, is also ensuring the application gets some Unity launcher love too: –

For use in Ubuntu 11.04, Mike says a demo will be ready in Mozilla Labs ‘quite soon’ – we’ll certainly give word the moment it’s ready for you to try!


Ubuntu Unity’s new look Dash lands – plus Bitesize Progress Extravaganza

This is a guest post from Jorge O. Castro, External Developer Relations Liaison, who will be posting Unity updates over the coming weeks.

Lots of updates today. First of all, by the time you read this or by the time your mirror updates (or when you get Alpha 3 on Thursday) you’ll have the latest drop of the Unity Dash:r />
Unity File Places

Unity 11.04 DashSearching through the Dash in Ubuntu 11.04Quick lists land in Unity

Other Contributors this Week

  • We have a new contributor this week, Marco Bisaro has fixed  Bug #713789 – Upper left Ubuntu logo has different background color than panel.
  • Olivier Sauder's work on keybindings for the launcher has landed
  • Mathew Rasmus has made it so the launcher uses proper getter/setter for the Launcher’s member-var_launcher_action_state.
  • This could be you! See below!

General Unity Fixes and New Stuff

What a crazy week! Double dose of unity (Thursday and Tuesday)! We also got a new compiz with a full stack rebuild/update. That totalize more than 23 updates within the week. As you can see, we got a lot of fixes and enhancements:

Other Highlights

  • Most of known common crashers for unity have been tackled
  • Lot of accessility improvments
  • Lot of launchers fix and most of “false show” positive or “launcher being crazy” on intellihide mode fixed
  • Drag and drop from the application and file places to the launcher is now functional (but still in beta Funny :) )
  • New shortcuts with the Super key:
    • tap super open the dash
    • Keeping super press will get some shortcuts showing: Super + to get active window of an application or show the places/ws switcher/trash
    • if you add Shift to the dance, it will open a new instance of an application instead of getting an existing one
    • Key navigation to all elements of the launcher now, and quicklist! Alt + F1 showing the launcher when hidden.
  • Rework fade effect animation when hovering the bfb (the ubuntu logo) Still some known crasher on the unity window decorator. It’s tracked and under debugging right now. Hope we can get a fix after alpha3 on upgrade.

How to Get Involved

1. Get the Code

Follow the Step by Step Instructions and Wiki Page. This will get the code from Launchpad, set up your development environment, and getting you used to the Launchpad workflow.

2. Pick a bug

This week we want to focus on these bugs, pick one:
  • Bug 718889 -  Launcher does not hide/unhide on Expo
  • Bug 660010 – No 'safely remove' option is present in the unity menu when a usb disk is inserted
  • Bug 718885 – Launcher responds to click off from a quicklist
  • Bug 721121 – Icon in Launcher should be home folder icon
  • Bug 718885 –  (NEW!) Launcher responds to click off from a quicklist
  • Bug 725529 – (NEW!) Double-click on panel to unmaximize only works in right half
  • Bug 724727 – (NEW!) Super key shortcut overlay not with umlauts, greek/cyrillic letters
Here's the full list if you want to find more, feel free to just grab one, assign it to yourself, mark it in progress and get started. I'll be picking a new selection for each blog post each week, but the list is always changing, so you can always just dive into the list and snag one.

3. Fix your bug and then get your code into Unity

Don't worry we won't leave you hanging, you can get a-hold of a Unity developer through many different ways:
  • #ayatana on freenode IRC during European and American workdays. Or you can post to the mailing list if you have a question.
  • We also have weekly IRC Q+A for any developer who wants to dive in and ask a Unity developer. 7pm-8pm UTC (That's 2pm EST) every Friday!
  • Mention session in developer week.

Related posts:
  1. Unity Bitesize Bugs Update: 15th Feb 2011
  2. Docklet API ‘coming’ to Unity Launcher [updated]
  3. Unity adds improved launcher, dash icons


Scrivener for Linux gets official beta release

An official Linux beta release of popular writing application Scrivener is now available for users to try.

What is Scrivener?

Scrivener is popular word processing application designed for writers and, until recently, exclusive to Mac OS X.

Its unique interface, features and tool set are designed to help  'generate content' rather than simply allow for content to be written.

Although a capable word processor Scrivener is not a LibreOffice Writer replacement. It’s aim it to aid writers in 'structuring and writing those difficult first drafts of long texts such as novels, scripts and thesis'.

Screenshot-10The application is not open-source or free software with the usual cost of a Scrivener license costing around $45/£31.

Free for now

Whilst Scrivener is in Beta it is free to use with no limitations.  Each beta is time bombed to expire at a given date, with the currently available beta set to expire on Monday March 21st.

Scrivener Beta for Linux

Offering support for Linux is a very welcome move and the application roadmap shows that Linux remains firmly in their plans.

Within the next 6 months all current-gen features of Scrivener 2.0 – the latest OS X release – will be ported to the Windows and Linux builds. 


The beta release can be downloaded @ literatureandlatte.com/scrivenerforwindows. Despite the URL title you’ll find the Linux package half way down the page.

Installing  Scrivener Beta 1.7 in Linux

  • Download the package above and un-tar. (Right click > ‘Extract here’).
  • Press ALT + F2 and type ‘gksu nautilus’
  • In the file browser that opens Navigate to ‘File System > usr > local’
  • Move the extracted folder, called ‘LiterarureAndLatte’, to this location
  • Enter the ‘LiteratureAndLatte > bin’ folder and double click on ‘Scrivener’


Alternatively, for those wanting a less manual affair,  a community contributed Scrivener .deb is available. Users are advised to be cautious installing .deb packages from unknown sources and should do so at their own discretion.

Thanks, as ever, to Matt S.


Making your own Unity place

This is a guest post from Jorge O. Castro, External Developer Relations Liaison, who will be posting Unity updates over the coming weeks.

Unity is made up of different parts. I'm not going to go into all of them today, instead I'm going to concentrate on one element of Unity we call "Places".

In 11.04 we include 2 places. The Files Place (keyboard shortcut Super-F) and the Applications Place (keyboard shortcut Super-A).

If you imagine your desktop as one entity, the Applications place is a focused place looking just for your applications, and the files place we look for your recently used files, downloads, and favorites. And Places give the user a method of filtering those results as seen the top right of the screenshot.

Okay so what's the big deal about a fancy recent files thing and and app launcher? As it ends up we put Places together using Zeitgeist which means we can know things that other applications know, and about your data. And as of yesterday you can now write your own Places in Python. This means that people can write Places for just about anything.

What kinds of Places should we have? We've started writing down some ideas of things we'd like to see people experimenting with.

How about something to search Amazon and return books available, or just typing in "Keanu Reeves" and having an IMDB Place return all the movies he's been in (with thumbnails!). Or just type "Keyboard shortcuts for Unity" in the search box and have it search Ask Ubuntu and return the results categorized right in your Dash.

Editor's note: Or an OMG! Ubuntu! place!

Getting Started Making a Place

Now, as with all fresh things, we need people going through the process and figuring out what can be made smoother.

Mikkel will be working on refining search and Places for the rest of the cycle, so check out the code and play with the example place. Then figure out what kind of thing you want to build and Just Do It.

The first few pioneers will be giving the team the feedback we need to make it easier for you to make these. Then as you learn the technology we need a volunteer to make a Quickly template. This will allow people to easily just fire up quickly and make Places. If you're interested in making the template join us on #quickly on freenode IRC.

As always, if you need help building things with Unity technology you can find the developers in #ayatana on freenode IRC, or just ask us on the ayatana-dev mailing list. And please let us know what you come up with!

Editor's note: Totally serious, somebody should make an OMG! Ubuntu! place



Natty sound menu adds microphone slider for Skype calls

Bid a fond farewell to faint false-starts in your Skype calls: Ubuntu 11.04 has added a microphone level slider to the Ubuntu Sound Menu.

The handy feature, the work of the Ubuntu Desktop Experience Team's Conor Curran,  makes adjusting the volume level of your input device an easily accessible affair; no more will you need to manically launch Sound Preferences at the first alert of an incoming call.

Less time tweaking, more time chatting.

The extra slider sits below the standard volume slider in the Sound Menu and, conveniently, only  appears when a VoIP call is active.

Microphone level in Ubuntu Sound Menu

Mono icon fan(atic)s should note that the icons used in the screenshot above are not final.

The feature currently works with popular internet chat applications Skype and Mumble.

Related posts:
  1. Natty sound menu adds playlist support
  2. Well that's a nice volume slider (minor post alert)
  3. UDS-M: Sound menu Changes coming In Ubuntu Maverick


Ubuntu 11.10 named ‘Oneiric Ocelot’

Continuing the tradition of naming every Ubuntu release, Mark Shuttleworth has revealed the codename for Natty Narwhal's successor to be 'Oneiric Ocelot'

In his blog post titled ‘Next After Natty?’, our benevolent dictator outlines his goals for the next iteration of Ubuntu and explains why it should be named so.

Part Daydream, Part Discipline

In his blog post, Mark states that Oneiric means “dreamy” and the combination with Ocelot reminds of how innovation happens ‘Part Daydream, Part Discipline’

With Ubuntu 11.10, Unity 2D will also ship on the CD for people whose hardware can’t handle the 3D version along with Qt which Mark states would be ” giving developers even more options for how they can produce interfaces that are both functional and aesthetically delightful.”

While this release wasn’t named ‘Orgasmic Oyster’, next has to be ‘Paranoid Pigeon’ for sure ;-)


Chromium browser gets new a logo. Ish.

As spotted over on the excellent Chrome-obsessed blog ‘Chrome Story’ the Chromium daily builds are sporting a redesigned logo: -

Application icon:


Chromium daily builds can be downloaded from:

or installed from the Chromium Daily PPA at:


Unity Bitesize Progress Report for 8 March

Welcome to the next instalment of the Unity Report. Lots of fixes since Alpha 3, and we have 2 releases this week, as the release of Alpha 3 froze the archive so the team decided to do a drop on Monday (and one more coming this Thursday, as usual).

The team is transitioning to more of a bug fixing mode, and now is the chance to dive in as we polish up Unity over the next 2 months.

You’ll notice a bunch of NEW! bugs in this week’s list. That’s because people are stepping up and grabbing bugs and working on them, so our rate of fixing bitesizers is increasing as people like you contribute!

New Contributors:

We’ve got two new Unity contributors this week, the team would like to welcome Artem Popov and Oliver Sauder:
Artem Popov has fixed Bug 730638 so now Unity gives user feedback when un-mounting a USB device. A man of not so many words, Artem adds “I am an Ubuntu member from Russia who has recently started contributing to Unity.”
Next up is Olivier Sauder :
Oliver’s fixed Bug 725529: “Double-click on panel to unmaximize only works in right half” as well as general keyboard navigation fixes. He adds: -
“I’m a full time programmer. However, in my spare time I always try to get my hands on various open source projects. As an enthusiast of real user experience I am excited what great innovation has been done in this area with Unity. This is one reason I have started to dig into its code base… ;)

Back for More

  • Marco Bisaro returns, adding a “Safely remove” option when a USB stick is inserted, and making sure that the panel uses the “start-here” icon from your theme instead of it being hardcoded, and Places accidentally looking in the wrong location. (That’s 3 fixes in one week!)
  • Andrea Azzarone’s variable launcher size branch has landed, but it’s so fresh it’s not yet built and we don’t even have a picture of this masked hero at this time! (More on this next week!)
  • Lots of work going on in branches on Launchpad if you want to follow in-progress work being done by contributors.
Here’s the Unity section of the desktop team report:
  • New unity release on Monday!
    • “What, on Monday? yeah Monday!”. As we skipped the release on Thursday for alpha3 (we had a bug fix released on previous Tuesday morning), we decided to do our next new shiny release yesterday! And it paid off, a lot of bug fixing in this one:
    • The most annoying unity-window-decoration crash were fixed (but some are still there)
    • Some unity crashes are part of the past as well (and same for the migration script)
    • A huge speed improvement to the places
    • Some minor “-” search fixes
    • A lot of launcher behaviour autohide improvements. Seems though that it still likes to play the “I’m here even though I shouldn’t be haha Joey nya nya” game. Next release will add some debugging code for those wanting to hunt down those false positives!


    Upload was concerning compiz/dee/libunity/unity-place-files/unity-place-applications… and of course, unity! Back to business with a usual release on Thursday (but the Launchpad rollout will probably force us to do the release a little bit earlier)

As usual, for the full story head to launchpad.net/unity/3.0/3.6.2

  • The team is mostly switching on a bugfix mode. Didier computed a list of most annoying compiz/nux/unity issues and they are tagged as top priority. So, we can hope to get most of them fixed very soon.
  • There is still a pending new dialog refactoring in compiz, it will require a FFe if it goes in. Nothing clear yet.
  • Also, a new zeitgeist synced from Debian will probably be needed. Kamstrup is doing a review to put some proper number on speed improvements to see if it is worth the FFe.

How to Get Involved

1. Get the Code

Follow the Step by Step Instructions and Wiki Page. This will get the code from Launchpad, set up your development environment, and getting you used to the Launchpad workflow.

2. Pick a bug

This week we want to focus on these bugs, pick one:
  • Bug 728598 – (NEW!) Dragging a file to the bottom left corner should send it to the trash
  • Bug 730623 – (NEW!) dash home screen can become outdated
  • Bug 703067 – (NEW!) Running/active indicators point to space between launcher icons for folded icons
  • Bug 724747 – Super key shortcut overlay not working with umlauts, greek/cyrillic letters
  • Bug 728949 – (NEW!) Bottom icon on launcher tilts when it maybe shouldn’t if icons fill launcher nearly exactly
  • Bug 718889 – (NEW!)Launcher does not hide/unhide on Expo
  • Bug 693792 – (NEW!)Launcher icon goes behind launcher if dialog pops up while dragging icon
  • Bug 715185 – (NEW!)Non-removable volume doesn’t show up in Unity dock after mount.
  • Bug 727920 – (NEW!)Drag and drop auto-scroll should not fold the launcher at the end of the scroll range.
  • Bug 730273 – (NEW!)Search cursor in Unity's Dash, File Places and Application Places search field should blink on focus
  • Bug 731162 – (NEW!)Dash “Find XYZ” require additional steps but do not end with “…” ellipse
Here's the full list if you want to find more, feel free to just grab one, assign it to yourself, mark it in progress and get started. I'll be picking a new selection for each blog post each week, but the list is always changing, so you can always just dive into the list and snag one.

3. Fix your bug and then get your code into Unity

Don't worry we won't leave you hanging, you can get a-hold of a Unity developer through many different ways:
  • #ayatana on freenode IRC during European and American workdays. Or you can post to the mailing list if you have a question.
  • We also have weekly IRC Q+A for any developer who wants to dive in and ask a Unity developer. 7pm-8pm UTC (That's 2pm EST) every Friday!



Related posts:
  1. Making your own Unity place
  2. Ubuntu Unity’s new look Dash lands – plus Bitesize Progress Extravaganza
  3. Unity Bitesize Bugs Update: 15th Feb 2011


Chromify-OSD adds GMail support

Fans of Gmail and Google Chrome/ium are sure to be pleased at the latest update to Chrome notiofication extension ‘Chromify-OSD’: it’s added GMail support.

Chromify OSD enables Ubuntu users to receive notifications for supported webapps and services directly on the desktop using Ubuntu's default desktop notification system.

Chromify-OSD is available to install, for free, from the Chrome Webstore at the following link: -

Related posts:
  1. Enable Chrome Web Apps in Chromium on Ubuntu
  2. Chrome Dev Channel adds GNOME Keyring support for saving passwords
  3. Google Chrome "App Pack" PPA


Ubuntu Global Jam: Call for Events!

This is a guest post from Jono Bacon, the Ubuntu Community Manager.

A great method of building our community up is to get people together face-to-face to work together, develop social bonds, and have fun. We see this at every Ubuntu Developer Summit; when we get contributors together, it helps seal a sense of camaraderie as we work and play together. All of this helps unite us all as we work to bring Free Software to the masses with Ubuntu.

With much of this in mind, in each cycle we organize the Ubuntu Global Jam in which our global LoCo Team Community organizes local events in which Ubuntu fans gets together to work and play together. Many of these events are loose and informal; just a collection of Ubuntu enthusiasts getting together to get to know each other, contribute in different ways (e.g. testing, creating advocacy materials, development, producing art etc), and have fun. I have organized a few events for the Ubuntu Global Jam in the past and it is great fun, and my goal here is to encourage you to do the same. :-)

Picture by alexm

The next Ubuntu Global Jam takes place from 1st – 3rd April 2011 and here are some of the events that are taking place:


See the full list of Ubuntu Global Jam events!

Although we have organized Ubuntu Global Jam events before, I believe that this one is even more important than ever. We are working hard to ship Unity in Ubuntu 11.04 and this is a great opportunity for us all to get together, test Natty, provide bug reports and feedback, write documentation, translate, and more! If we come together as a community we can deliver an incredible Ubuntu experience. :-)

Organizing An Event

Everyone is welcome to organize an event! We would like to encourage all of you to put together an event in your area. :-)

If you are not a member of a LoCo team, see the list of teams, pick your nearest team, click on it, and click the Join This Team link to join that team’s Launchpad group (you might need to wait to get approved to join). When you are a member of the team, you can add an event.

Picture by ubuntuvancouver

To add a team just follow these steps:
  1. First, decide a place where you want to hold the event. This can be as simple as a coffee shop that you decide to meet at (you don’t even need to neccessarily let the coffee shop know – just pick a place that everyone shows up to. Other good venues include university/school teaching rooms, local businesses, hotels etc.
  2. Now pick a date to hold the event on between the 1st-3rd April 2011. Most teams pick one day or evening.
  3. Next check the venues list and see if your venue is already in the database. If not, click Add New Venue to add the venue.
  4. Now click here to go and add your event.
  5. Finally, spread the word! Let Ubuntu users and Linux fans in your local area know, promote your event in your LoCo, at LUGs, put up posters in coffee shops, promote it on Twitter/identi.ca/Facebook etc.

When promoting your event or promoting existing events, be sure to use the #ugj

hash tag. I look forward to seeing the photos and reports from the various events around the world!


Quick tip: Enable full screen Dash in Ubuntu 11.04 desktop

This tip is solely for Ubuntu 11.04 testers, but it’s a dozy worth sharing.

The Unity Dash in Ubuntu 11.04 is an intelligent beast. When running on a screen with a resolution greater than 1280 width and 800 height you get the wonderful ‘half screen dash’ which can be toggled full screen.

<img style="display: block; float: none; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Screenshot-41.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="282" />

When used on a device with a resolution ducking below 1280×800 you get full screen dash by default:

Whilst this is an intentional design decision – and one I totally ‘get’ – if having to manually hit the ‘full screen switch’ each time you run it on a big-ass monitor annoys you there is a “hack” to enable it all the time.

  • Install dconf-tools
  • Run ‘dconf-editor ‘ from a Terminal
  • Head to ‘Desktop > Unity’ in the left-hand tree
  • Select Netbook as ‘form factor’.

Many thanks to eylemkoca for sharing the tip!

Related posts:
  1. Ubuntu Unity’s new look Dash lands – plus Bitesize Progress Extravaganza
  2. Tips for Ubuntu 11.04 testers
  3. Uniteee: 7 days with Ubuntu Unity on a 7” screen


Adobe Flash Player 10.3 beta released

Adobe Flash Player 10.3 beta saw release yesterday/today/tomorrow (depending on your timezone) – but what’s new?

The release "introduces new developer features and enhanced user privacy protection", including: -

Media Measurement

Aimed at developers; allows for implementation of video analytics to afford companies/creators "…real-time, aggregated reporting of how  their video content is distributed, what the audience reach is, and how much video is  played."

Acoustic Echo Cancellation

A feature aimed at developers creating audio-chat features. Allows developers  to ‘…take advantage of acoustic echo cancellation, noise suppression, voice activity detection, and automatic compensation for various microphone input levels.

Integration with browser privacy control for local storage

Users of Firefox 4 and Google Chrome can clear flash storage from within their browser settings interface.

Native Control Panel

New, native control panel has been introduced for managing  Flash Player privacy, security and storage settings. With Flash 10.3 beta installed this can be accessed from the System > Preferences sub-menu.


Linux users can download the plugin from the Adobe Labs site @ labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10-3.html.

Extract the archive and move the libflashplayer.so file to the plugins folder of your browser.


The end of Ubuntu Netbook edition


The new Ubuntu One logo: beautiful

The Ubuntu One team have officially unveiled the new-look Ubuntu One logo – and boy is it sexy.

(Remember, this is Joey&#8217;s opinion only. I on the other hand, think the new logo is hideous.) – Benjamin


The (long overdue) visual refresh will extend throughout the entire Ubuntu One site – of which the roll out is said to be ‘happening now’.


The first stable release of Ubuntu One for Windows, along with a improved Android application are also said to be ‘close’ to launch.

But, for now, see ya’ old logo…


Related posts:
  1. Ubuntu One Contact sync gets better Android device support
