
Ubuntu 11.10 Countdown Widget for Android

How many days are left until the release of Ubuntu 11.10? 

If that’s a question you cannot live without knowing the answer to (or if you just want to ramp up some excitement ahead of the release) the following ‘Ubuntu Countdown’ widget for Android devices serves that niche admirably: it counts down the days remaining until the next Ubuntu release.

There are extra options for the tweaker’s amongst you, including two sizes of widgets (1×1 and 2×2), light and dark themes (how very Ubuntu) and the option to set a custom date (maybe you want to count down to the next Beta).


The widget is available to download from Android Marketplace for the always-awesome price of  nothing.

Either snap or click the QR code below to head over to the Android Market to grab the widget.

download ubuntu countdown android widget



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