In September last year we launched Ubuntu Gamer at – the intention was to create an entirely new site in a similar vein to OMG! Ubuntu!, but dedicated purely to gaming on Ubuntu.
The site went well for a few months until earlier this year, when due to a variety of reasons, a lot of the authors couldn’t find the time to write articles and the news was well, simply not there.
Ubuntu is a niche in itself with less than 1% of the desktop user market, so gaming on Ubuntu reduces that small to start with number of people greatly.
Over time, we realized it just wasn’t feasible for us to branch out so early with an entirely new site – especially if it didn’t get enough views to pay for itself. We’re a small operation and just don’t have the time to maintain multiple sites at the moment, which we found out the hard way.
So a couple of weeks ago we pulled Ubuntu Gamer offline and now the URL simply redirects to here.
But Ubuntu Gamer isn’t really going away.
We’d still love to have gaming news on an Ohso run site, and we are still interested in promoting gaming on Ubuntu.
With the Ubuntu Software Center improving its range and more exciting indie games appearing week to week, I think it would be good for us to keep up with the play here too.
Rather than run Ubuntu Gamer as a completely separate site which brings in a heap of problems and costs, we’re going to introduce a gaming section to OMG! Ubuntu!, bring over all the old articles from Ubuntu Gamer, and encourage our authors to publish articles about gaming here using the new category, games.
These articles will also appear in the main OMG! Ubuntu! feed so you guys don’t have to subscribe to and check two different websites.
Also, we’ll be bringing back the OMG! Ubuntu! forums @ so for all of you who’d like to discuss stuff that isn’t really relevant in the comments, you’ll be able to do so in the forums once more.
This stuff should happen sometime in the next couple of weeks, so keep an eye out. Thanks!
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