Hey guys, this video will show you how to install VMWare on your windows, and run Mac OS X.
You will need to get utorrent to download the files:
1) Download the following files:
2) Install VMware Workstation and enter your registration info. Once it has fully installed
restart your computer.
3) Unzip the Mac OS X Leopard file you downloaded.
4) Open VMware Workstation 6.5.1 and click on Open Existing VM or Team
5) Now locate the Mac OS X Leopard folder that you unzipped and open Mac OS X Leopard.vmx
6) Simply click on Power on this virtual machine and let Mac OS boot up
How to change resolutions:
• When OSX is booting, tap F8 to get to the boot prompt
• Type in "Graphics Mode"="1280x1024x32" (with quotations, replacing the resolution with the resolution you want)
Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2Qxs_-RX4A